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The Lymph Doctor's
90-Day Genetic Reset Cleanse
+ Lymphatic Detox


Your Complete + Total

Customized Detox Experience


Our Simple 3 Phase Process

Is designed to get you the MOST RESULTS possible during your sessions,

and at home on your own

The Lymph Doctor Phase 1


The DNA + Genetic Reset Cleanse Â©

The Lymph Doctor Phase 2


Lymphatic + Methylation Optimization

The Lymph Doctor Phase 3


Self Care Habit + Routine



How It Works

Phase 1

Phase 2

Phase 3


What is Methylation,
and Why Does It Matter?

The DNA + Genetic Reset Cleanse

Building The Foundation of Your Health: How It Works

There are multiple genetic factors that determine how well your body can detox on its own; and each of these factors needs to be looked at and understood in order to maximize your results and success in any type of detox, weight, health, or fitness pursuits. These genetic factors include:​


1- How Well Are You Genetically Able To Absorb Vitamins / Nutrients?

2- How Genetically Functional Is Your Metabolism?

3- How Genetically Functional Are Your Detoxification Pathways?

4- What is Your Genetic Susceptibility To Systemic Inflammation?


Our DNA Methylation Report provides all of these answers and more.


Truthfully, this report should be the first thing that any Doctor or Medical Professional is looking at. Because without it, any kind of path forward (regardless of its holistic with supplements or medical with prescription medications) is merely guesswork, while you're left crossing your fingers and hoping for positive change. â€‹â€‹â€‹

Except what usually happens is you spending decades chasing different professionals, answers, or approaches with little to no results while wasting thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars along the way on different supplements, medications, IV drips, and diets / eating styles without any way to actually know and track what is or isn't working, on a cellular level.


When you START your journey with this report, it gives you the exact supplements based on your DNA to bridge the genetic gaps in your vitamin absorption, metabolism, detoxification, and systemic inflammation; and our Saliva Methylation Tests allow us to actually track your progress as often as needed along the way to ensure optimal results by knowing when and what changes to make to keep you moving continuously towards your goals. It's like putting the bumpers on the bowling alley when it comes to your health, giving you a direct path forward while eliminating the risk of throwing a gutterball with wasted time, money, and energy spent chasing the wrong solutions, supplements, and services that your body wasn't even in a place to be able to respond to or utilize correctly in the first place.


The Lymph Doctor golden water

Phase 1

The DNA + Genetic Reset Cleanse

Building The Foundation of Your Health: How It Works

Phase 1: The DNA + Genetic Reset Cleanse

The Focus: Methylation Testing + Heavy Metal / Parasite Cleansing

The Analogy: When building a house, you analyze your starting point (the land / lot).

Then, you clear the land of any obstacles in the way of the foundation you want to build.​

In our case, your body represents the land. Heavy metals, parasites, and genetic weaknesses in your nutrient absorption, metabolism, detox pathways, and systemic inflammation are the obstacles we must clear to build the strongest foundation for your health as possible.


Your First Appointment Includes:

1- 45 Minute Health + Goals Intake

2- Detailed Posture Scan + Measurements

3- DNA Methylation Testing (For Your Genetic Baseline)

4- Saliva Methylation Testing (Where You're At Right Now)

5- Saliva Methylation Results + Custom Supplement Pack

6- 60 Minute Full Body Customized Lymphatic Massage

7- Your First Set of Before / After Pictures


What You Take Home:

1- 90 Day Step-By-Step Guide (You'll Know EXACTLY What To Do + How To Do It)

2- 14 Day Heavy Metal + Parasite Cleanse Kit

2- Custom Methylation Starter Supplement Pack

3- 90 Day Methylation Tracking Kit 

5- 90 Day Results Tracking Workbook

6- 90 Day Meal Plan + Recipes

​7- Signature FLOW Tea Diffuser Bottle + Sacred Rituals Organic Detox Tea Sample Set

​8- Lifetime Access to The Lymph Doctors Online Detox Course: Detoxify To Thrive!


​What To Expect:​

Your initial 3 Hour Appointment includes your health intake, genetic testing, posture scan, measurements, full body lymphatic massage, and before / after pictures. You are then sent home with everything you need to complete the first 30 days of your detox.


Your Second Appointment Begins Phase 2:

Your second appointment is scheduled for one month after your initial appointment, after you have completed the first 30 days of your at-home protocol to maximize your

in-session results. Scroll down for more information about Phase 2. 




The Lymph Doctor golden water

Phase 2

The DNA + Genetic Reset Cleanse

Building The Foundation of Your Health: How It Works

Phase 2: The DNA + Genetic Reset Cleanse

The Focus: Methylation Balancing + Lymphatic Detoxification

The Analogy: This phase is like building the actual foundation of your house. If you have an unstable foundation, whatever is built on top of it will eventually crumble and deteriorate. Optimizing your nutrient absorption, metabolism, detox pathways, susceptibility to systemic inflammation, and your lymphatic system allows you to have the strongest and most stable foundation for your health as possible which allows every aspect of your life that follows a much greater capacity to stand (and thrive through) the test of stress and time.​


Your Second Appointment Includes:

1- DNA Methylation Report Review + Custom Supplement Pack

2- Detailed Posture Scan + Measurements

3- 60 Minute Customized Lymphatic Massage

4- Your Second Set of Before / After Pictures


What You Take Home:

1- Complete Methylation DNA Report with Custom Supplement Plan

2- Custom Methylation Balancing Supplement Pack


​What To Expect:​

This 2 Hour Appointment includes your DNA Methylation Report review, posture scan, updated measurements, customized lymphatic massage, and before / after pictures.


For The Next 3 Weeks:

You receive (1) 2 Hour Customized Lymphatic Massage per week (sessions 3, 4, and 5)

and continue with days 30 through 60 of your at-home protocol.


Your Sixth Session Begins Phase 3:

Scroll down for more information about Phase 3.




The Lymph Doctor golden water

Phase 3

The DNA + Genetic Reset Cleanse

Building The Foundation of Your Health: How It Works

Phase 3: The DNA + Genetic Reset Cleanse

The Focus: Gut Optimization, Continued Methylation Balancing, + Lymphatic Detoxification

The Analogy: Now that you've built your house a solid foundation, it's time to frame the walls. Our Gut is directly connected to our Brain and our Lymphatic System- if there is an issue in one, there is an issue in all three. An issue with your gut health is like having a horrendous termite infestation; it wouldn't matter if you were spending thousands of dollars on renovations if your structure is being sabotaged and destroyed from the inside out. In this analogy, poor gut health is the termite infestation and the renovations are all of the supplements, medications, dietary choices, professionals, and services that you are spending money on to bandaid the real issues: an unstable 'foundation' and poor 'framing'.​


Your Sixth Appointment Includes:

1- Gut Health Optimization Supplement Pack

2- Detailed Posture Scan + Measurements

3- 60 Minute Customized Lymphatic Massage

4- Your Sixth Set of Before / After Pictures


What You Take Home:

1- Gut Health Optimization Supplement Pack


​What To Expect:​

This 2 Hour Appointment includes your posture scan, updated measurements, customized lymphatic massage, and before / after pictures.


For The Next 2 Weeks:

You receive (1) 2 Hour Customized Lymphatic Massage per week (sessions 7 and 8)

and continue with days 60 through 90 of your at-home protocol.


Your Ninth Session Ends Phase 3

Your final session is a 3 Hour Appointment; and includes a 90 Minute Customized Lymphatic Massage, your final posture scan and measurements, final sets of before / after pictures, results review, and mapping your next steps moving forward- whether it's on your own, or with Dr. Ravi's continued support, you will feel confident in knowing what to do to continue your results and progress.





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